Sunday, March 8, 2009

Calisthenics Workout : Week 3 & 4

Upper Body Push/Pull Day

Push-up/Crunch Superset
5 Cycles of:
Reg. Crunch .....15
Reverse Crunch...15
1/2 Situps.......15

Regular grip.....1,2,3
Reverse grip.....1,2,3

Reg. Crunch.......25
Rev. Crunch.......25
Right Crunches....25
Left Crunches.....25
1/2 Situps........25

Pushup/ jumping Jacks superset:
Repeat 10 times;
Jumping jacks.....10

Lower body
Run/walk/Bike......20 mins.

Squats.............3 x 20
Lunges.............3 x 10
Calves.............3 x 25
Jumping jacks......3 x 20
Side Crunches......4 x 25
L/R crunches........4 x 25


Stretch ..........15:00
Interval Training:
20 - 30 mins. running/walking
Run/walk..........20 yds.


Push/ Pull
Repeat 5 times: (non - stop)
Pull-ups...........5 - 10
Push - ups.........10 -20
Crunches...........10 x 5 seconds
Jog................1:00 or jumping jacks
(beginners, assisted pull-ups/knee push-ups)

Biking............20 mins.

Repeat 2-3 times:
Reg. Crunches........25
Reverse crunched.....25
Alternate Regular / reverse crunch....25 each
Bicycles Crunsh........25


Rest day.....stretch


Walk /run.............15

Repeat exercises....... 3x's
Push-ups............... 10 - 20
Squats................. 10 - 20
Dips................... 10 - 20
Lunges................. 10-15 per leg
Heel raises............ 20
pull - ups............. 10 -15
Crunches............... 2 x 25 (left/right)

Full body stretch

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