Monday, January 5, 2009

Routine 1- 5 - 09

9:00 AM -
Run 45 mins.

10:00 AM -
1 Meduim bake potato
w/ 1 tb. olive oil,ketchup,salt,pepper
3 Hardboiled eggs

1:00 PM-
1 cup canned corn (no salt)
BSN Protein shake (1 scoop)

2:00 PM -
5 min. warm up
Alternating Circuit (Push-ups/Dips/Stomach):
Repeat 3 times:
Back extensions ..... 10
Regular. Crunches ... 10
Push - ups .......... 10
Reverse. Crunches ... 10
Chair Dips .......... 10

**Stomach exercises : 10 Second hold for each rep**

5:00 PM-
1 cup frozen peas & carrots(microwave)
6 0z canned tuna(packed in water)
I Can't Belive its not Butter Spray

8:00 PM -
3.5 oz Frosted mini wheats (check label for harmful ingredients)
8 oz soymilk vanilla light

1 comment:

A Diva On a Diet said...

wow thats not much food... i would faint!

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Hi!!! Welcome to my health and fitness blog!! Please subscribe to my new website as I will still update this blog with new articles from my site. I am into clean eating and working out on a daily basis. I will be updating my blog with some my workouts, and what I ate, along with some of the recipes from the videos I publish on Youtube.Why? So that you can have an idea of what your routines should look like. I will also just rant about health and fitness in general!!So , please follow and stay tuned!!!