Thursday, January 29, 2009

Workout: 1- 29- 09

Upper Body/Pull day

Pushup/Crunch superset
5 Cycles of:
Regular Crunch ...15
Wide Push ups ....5
Reverse Crunch....15
Tricep Push ups ..5

Assisted Pull up...10

Ab Exercises:
Regular Crunch......25
Reverse Crunch .....25
Right Oblique Crunch...25
Left oblique Cruch ....25
Back Extension or and any low back exercise...10

Pushup / Jumping Jacks Superset
Repeat 10 times:
Jumping Jacks ........10
Push ups .............5- 10

***And yes,,you will probably be sore, so dont forget to stretch after***

1 comment:

A Diva On a Diet said...

OMG i tried to get through this but I did 15 instead of 25, good workout my sides are pretty SORE!

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